“By 2020, more than 50% of WAN edge infrastructure refresh initiatives will be based on SD-WAN versus traditional routers (up from less than 2% today).“ – Gartner

In the past companies rented private leased lines or used MPLS solutions to connect their sites and offices. However, these solutions proved to be limiting and costly. They often came with a lock-in to a single internet service provider (ISP). Requirements for flexibility and reduced costs have resulted in usage of virtual private networking (VPN) setup over common internet connections on each site.

Trends such as Cloud, increased use of bandwidth intense applications, increased number of distributed offices and remote workers have introduced packaged solutions called Software Defined—Wide Area Networks—or SD-WAN.

Connecting branch offices and remote locations securely and cost effectively

Enterprises depend on their inter-office connectivity and need therefore a solution that is robust, reliable and secure. In a distributed office environment real-time communication between systems is key for business intelligence and enablement. In the past companies rented private leased lines or used MPLS solutions. These solution proved to be limiting and costly and often with a lock-in to a single telecom provider. Requirements for flexibility and reduced costs have resulted in usage of virtual private networking setup over common internet connections on each site. Advances in cloud enablement have introduced packaged solutions called Software Defined — Wide Area Networks — or SD-WAN.